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Gerrit Schwerthelm

Privacy Policy

General Information

According to §5 TMG (German law) this page is not obligated to publish an imprint. This is due to the reason that this website is fully free of charge, has no businesslike purpose, contains no journalistic contents and is only there for private reasons.

If necessary, you can reach me by mail on .

This page fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To me, privacy is an important topic and I want to inform you about the use of personal data on this website in the following paragraphs.

Use of Personal Data

An external hosting company temporarily stores information about requests to this website in the form of server log files. These log files contain IP addresses of the requesters of this website. The information is stored compliant to the General Data Protection Regulation. The main reason for storing this data is to defend against malicious attacks from the internet onto the hosting infrastructure. I do not use or process this data by any means.

Please find more precise information about server logs on the documentation pages of the hosting provider (German).

If you accept the cookie dialogue, you allow to store technical cookies on your computer. These cookies have the only purpose to store your language settings for future visits of this website and to prevent increasing the page counter for every page visit. You may object to said use of cookies at any time through the "settings" menu. I am incapable to identify you as a person through the use of technical cookies on this website.

I hereby affirm that on this entire website I do not forward any form of data to a third party and that there are no indirect accesses made to other pages in the internet. No Google Analytics, Google Fonts or similar is getting used.
